Aberystwyth Town FC has welcomed a joint Declaration from the UK football family signifying its support for building a mentally healthy environment at every level of the game, as a lasting legacy of the Heads Up campaign.
The Mentally Healthy Football Declaration will see all of UK football recognising that mental health is as important as physical health and pioneering a ‘team approach’ on this important issue. The UK football family will build on the important work that clubs and football organisations are already doing, working together to roll out these efforts across the football system, share best practice, and support the development of ‘mentally healthy clubs’ at every level of the game. The landmark Declaration has been signed by senior figures from across the football system, including the FA, the Premier League, the English Football League (EFL), Scottish FA, FA Wales, Irish FA, League Managers Association (LMA), Professional Footballers Association (PFA), Professional Game Match Officials Limited (PGMOL) and League Football Education (LFE). Following an unprecedented season for football, mental health issues are more relevant than ever. Through the Declaration, football has committed to working together to embed an environment across all of UK football: Where players and staff are encouraged to look after their mental health just as they look after their physical health; where they feel able to spot the signs that they, a team-mate or colleague might be struggling and know where to access support; and where speaking out about mental health is seen as a sign of strength rather than weakness. The Declaration will see the FAW join a UK-wide mental health implementation group next season, working towards a collective ‘game plan’ for the first time to ensure the mental health of players, staff, managers, coaches and officials is prioritised across the game. The Declaration has also been welcomed by Heads Up’s charity partners Mind, CALM and Sporting Chance, who will work with us all next season to take the Declaration forward. You can find out more about the Heads Up campaign by visiting www.headstogether.org.uk/heads-up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mae CPD Tref Aberystwyth wedi croesawu Datganiad ar y cyd gan deulu pêl-droed y Deyrnas Unedig yn dynodi ei gefnogaeth dros feithrin amgylchedd er lles iechyd meddwl ar bob lefel o’r gêm, fel etifeddiaeth barhaus i’r ymgyrch Heads Up. Drwy’r Datganiad Pêl-droed er Lles Iechyd Meddwl, bydd teulu pêl-droed y DU gyfan yn cydnabod bod iechyd meddwl yr un mor bwysig ag iechyd corfforol, a bydd yn meithrin ‘ymagwedd tîm’ at y mater pwysig hwn. Bydd teulu pêl-droed y DU yn adeiladu ar y gwaith pwysig mae clybiau a sefydliadau eisoes yn ei wneud, gan weithio gyda’n gilydd i gyflwyno’r ymdrechion hyn ar draws y system bêl-droed, rhannu arfer gorau, a chefnogi’r datblygiad o ‘glybiau er lles iechyd meddwl’ ar bob lefel o’r gêm. Mae’r Datganiad hanesyddol wedi’i lofnodi gan uwch swyddogion o bob rhan o’r system bêl-droed, gan gynnwys y Gymdeithas Bêl-droed (FA), Uwch-Gynghrair Lloegr (Premier League), Cynghrair Bêl-droed Lloegr (EFL), Cymdeithas Bêl-droed yr Alban, Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru, Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Iwerddon, y Gymdeithas Rheolwyr Proffesiynol (LMA), y Gymdeithas Chwaraewyr Proffesiynol (PFA), Swyddogion Gemau’r Gêm Broffesiynol Cyfyngedig (PGMOL) a League Football Education (LFE). Yn dilyn tymor digynsail i bêl-droed, mae materion iechyd meddwl yn fwy perthnasol nag erioed. Drwy’r Datganiad, mae byd pêl-droed y DU wedi ymrwymo i gydweithio er mwyn ymgorffori amgylchedd lle: · caiff chwaraewyr a staff eu hannog i edrych ar ôl eu hiechyd meddwl yn yr un ffordd ag y maent eu hiechyd corfforol; · mae pawb yn teimlo eu bod yn gallu adnabod yr arwyddion eu bod nhw, neu aelod o’r tîm neu gydweithiwr, yn cael trafferthion ac yn gwybod o ble i gael cefnogaeth; · mae siarad am iechyd meddwl yn cael ei weld fel arwydd o gryfder yn hytrach nag yn wendid. Bydd y Datganiad yn gweld CBDC yn ymuno â grŵp gweithredu ar iechyd meddwl ar daws y DU y tymor nesaf, gan weithio tuag at ‘gynllun gêm’ ar y cyd am y tro cyntaf erioed i sicrhau bod iechyd meddwl chwaraewyr, staff, rheolwyr, hyfforddwyr a swyddogion yn cael ei flaenoriaethu ar draws y gêm. Hefyd yn croesawu’r Datganiad mae partneriaid elusennol Heads Up, sef Mind, CALM a Sporting Chance, a fydd yn gweithio gyda ni dros y tymor nesaf i weithredu’r Datganiad. Gallwch ganfod rhagor am ymgyrch Heads Up drwy ymweld â www.headstogether.org.uk/heads-up Comments are closed.
Gem Nesaf
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