Bydd chwaraewyr a chefnogwyr yn dangos eu cefnogaeth i Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb yn ystod gêm bêl-droed a gynhelir yn Aberystwyth ddydd Gwener 20 Hydref 2023. Players and fans will show their support to Hate Crime Awareness Week during a football match held in Aberystwyth on Friday 20 October 2023. Bydd Clwb Pêl-droed Aberystwyth yn herio Clwb Pêl-droed Y Drenewydd mewn gêm yn Uwch Gynghrair Cymru gyda’r gic gyntaf am 8pm, yn dilyn llwyddiant digwyddiad tebyg y llynedd pan chwaraeodd Aberystwyth yn erbyn Hwlffordd. Mae Tîm Cydlyniant Cymunedol Canolbarth a De-orllewin Cymru wedi ymuno unwaith eto â Chanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru – Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr ynghyd â thîm Allgymorth Datblygu Cymunedol Hywel Dda, i gynnig cyngor, cymorth ac ymgysylltiad i gefnogwyr yn ystod y gêm. Bydd y digwyddiad yn cynnwys cyhoeddiad swyddogol cyn y gic gyntaf, baner ar ochr y cae i godi ymwybyddiaeth o Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb (HCAW) 2023, stondin wybodaeth a gweithgareddau i blant. Bydd cefnogaeth a gwybodaeth ar gael gan Victim Support, Hywel Dda, yr Heddlu a’r Tîm Cydlyniant, yn ogystal â wal addewid lle bydd chwaraewyr, swyddogion y gêm a chefnogwyr yn cael eu hannog i adael eu negeseuon yn addo bod yn gynghreiriaid â dioddefwyr Troseddau Casineb ac i beidio byth â goddef hiliaeth na chasineb mewn chwaraeon. Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Catrin M S Davies, Aelod Cabinet Cyngor Sir Ceredigion â chyfrifoldeb am Gydlyniant Cymunedol: “Mae’n wych gweld y gefnogaeth ar gyfer codi ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb trwy ddigwyddiadau fel y gêm bêl-droed hon. Ni ddylai neb ddioddef trosedd casineb a byddwn yn annog unrhyw un sy’n cael y fath brofiad i gysylltu â’r Heddlu neu Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr.” Ychwanegodd Dafydd Llywelyn, Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu Dyfed-Powys: “Gall profi troseddau casineb fod yn brofiad arbennig o frawychus, a gall gael effaith hirdymor ar ddioddefwyr, eu teuluoedd a’n cymunedau. Fel Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throseddu, rwyf wedi ymrwymo i hyrwyddo cymuned lle mae amrywiaeth yn cael ei ddathlu a lle mae pob unigolyn yn teimlo’n ddiogel ac yn cael ei barchu. “Mae’n braf gweld Clwb Pêl-droed Tref Aberystwyth yn chwarae eu rhan i godi ymwybyddiaeth pobl o effaith troseddau casineb yn ystod eu gêm yn erbyn y Drenewydd. Mae'r ddau glwb wedi dangos y gall chwaraeon fod yn llwyfan pwerus i godi ymwybyddiaeth yn erbyn casineb a gwahaniaethu. Y gobaith yw y bydd y gêm hon, yn ogystal â phob gweithgaredd a digwyddiad arall a gynhelir yn ystod wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, yn addysgu pobl am eu cyfrifoldebau ac yn rhoi’r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau iddynt i’w helpu i herio’r agweddau a’r ymddygiadau sy’n arwain at droseddau casineb.” Dywedodd Tammy Foley, Swyddog Hyfforddiant ac Ymgysylltu yng Nghanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru- Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr: “Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb yn ymwneud â dangos undod i’r rhai yr effeithir arnynt a chodi ymwybyddiaeth am wasanaethau adrodd a chymorth. Mae gan sefydliadau ac unigolion rôl bwysig i'w chwarae wrth godi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb yn ein cymunedau. “Mae digwyddiadau fel y gêm bêl-droed hon yn enghraifft wych o gydweithio cymunedol i addysgu pobl am eu cyfrifoldebau, helpu pobl i herio’r agweddau a’r ymddygiad sy’n arwain at droseddau casineb a rhoi gwybod i bobl am y gwasanaethau hanfodol, arbenigol yn eu hardal.” Mae hwn yn un o nifer o fentrau a digwyddiadau sy’n hyrwyddo ac yn cefnogi Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, a chefnogir y digwyddiad ymgysylltu gan nifer o asiantaethau partner gan gynnwys Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, Heddlu Dyfed-Powys, Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu Dyfed-Powys, Canolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru – Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth, Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda, Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Undeb y Myfyrwyr Aberystwyth, CPD Tref Aberystwyth a Chlwb Pêl-droed y Drenewydd. Adrodd am drosedd casineb Os ydych yn profi trosedd casineb, gallwch ffonio’r heddlu ar 999 os ydych mewn perygl uniongyrchol, ar gyfer achosion nad ydynt yn rhai brys ffoniwch 101. Ffoniwch 0300 30 31 982 (am ddim 24/7) i gysylltu’n uniongyrchol â Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr. Bydd galwadau’n cael eu trin yn gyfrinachol a byddwch yn parhau’n anhysbys. Gallwch hefyd roi gwybod ar-lein: Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael yma: Aberystwyth Town Football Club will take on Newtown AFC in a Cymru Premier League game with kick-off at 8pm, following the success of a similar event last year when Aberystwyth took on Haverfordwest County.
The Mid and South West Wales Community Cohesion Team have teamed up once again with The Wales Hate Support Centre at Victim Support along with the Hywel Dda Community Development Outreach team, to offer advice, support and engagement at the game for supporters. The event will feature an official announcement before kick-off, a pitch side banner raising awareness of HCAW 2023, an information stand and activities for children. Support and information will be available from Victim Support, Hywel Dda, the Police and the Cohesion Team, as well as a pledge wall where players, match officials and supporters will be encouraged to leave their messages promising to be allies with victims of Hate Crime and to never tolerate racism or hate in sport. Councillor Catrin M S Davies, Ceredigion County Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Cohesion, said: “It’s great to see the support showed to raise awareness of Hate Crime through events such as this football match. No-one should experience a hate crime and I would encourage anyone who experiences such a thing to contact the Police or Victim Support.” Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, added: “Experiencing hate crime can be a particularly frightening experience, and can have a long-lasting effect on victims, their families and our communities. As Police and Crime Commissioner, I am committed to promoting a community where diversity is celebrated and where every individual feels safe and respected. “It is pleasing to see Aberystwyth Town Football Club playing their part in raising people’s awareness of the impact of hate crime during their match against Newtown. Both clubs have shown that sport can be a powerful platform to raise awareness against hate and discrimination. This game, as well as every other activity and event taking place during Hate Crime Awareness week will hopefully educate people about their responsibilities and provide them with the knowledge and skills to help them challenge the attitudes and behaviours that lead to hate crime.” Tammy Foley, Training and Engagement Officer at Wales Hate Support Centre, Victim Support, said: “Hate Crime Awareness Week is about showing solidarity to those affected and raising awareness about reporting and support services. Organisations and individuals have an important role to play in raising awareness of hate crime within our communities. “Events like this football match are a great example of community collaboration to educate people about their responsibilities, helping people to challenge the attitudes and behaviour that lead to hate crime and letting people know about the essential, specialist services in their area." This is one of several initiatives and events promoting and supporting Hate Crime Awareness Week, and the engagement event is supported by several partner agencies including Ceredigion County Council, Dyfed Powys-Police, Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, The Wales Hate Support Centre at Victim Support, Aberystwyth Town Council, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth Student Union, Aberystwyth Town FC and Newtown AFC. Reporting a hate crime If you experience a hate crime, you can call the police directly by dialling 999 if you are in immediate danger, or 101 for non-emergencies. Ring 0300 30 31 982 (free 24/7) to contact Victim Support directly. Calls are treated confidentially and you have the option to remain anonymous. You can also report online at: More information is available here: Comments are closed.
Gem Nesaf
Ebost / Email: [email protected]
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