Menywod Tref Aber yn Dathlu Llwyddiant Trwyddedi/Aber Town Women Celebrate Licensing Success27/3/2024
Aberystwyth Town FC were delighted to hear this afternoon that their application for an FAW Womens Tier One Licence was successful, cementing the Team’s spot in the Genero Adran Premier League for next season! Roedd CPD Tref Aberystwyth yn falch dros ben o glywed y pryhawn yma fod ei cais am Drwydded FAW Haun Un i Fenwyod yn llwydiannus, sydd yn cadarnhau lle’r Gwyrdd a’r Duon yn Uwchgynghrair Adran Genero y blwyddyn nesaf! The First Instance Body (FIB) met today to assess and consider the FAW Women’s Tier 1 applications and clubs were assessed on the following criteria:
Thomas Crockett, Interim Women’s Licensing Officer said: “This award credits hundreds of hours of commitment from a wide range of post holders involved with Aber Town Women FC. It has been a difficult season but it is great to see how a cooperative effort off the field between Mair Pugh-Jones and the Womens’ Committee, and the wider Club, have ensured that our fantastic players will once again have the opportunity to perform at the highest level next season. Aberystwyth Town FC thanks everyone who has been involved throughout the season for their contributions.” Comments are closed.
Gem Nesaf
Ebost / Email: [email protected]
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Cyfeiriad / Address: ATFC Ltd, Park Avenue, Aberystwyth, SY23 1PG.