A new book by a celebrated sports writer will be launched at Park Avenue this Sunday - and it's dedicated to Aberystwyth Town Women. Ahead of their match against Swansea City, the Seasiders' stars will be marking the launch of media officer Carrie Dunn's new book, 'Woman Up: Pitches, Pay and Periods - The Progress and Potential of Women's Football'. Bydd llyfr newydd gan awdur chwaraeon o fri yn cael ei lansio yng Nghoedlan y Parc ddydd Sul yma - ac mae wedi'i gyflwyno i Ferched Tref Aberystwyth. Cyn eu gêm yn erbyn Dinas Abertawe, bydd sêr y Seasiders yn nodi lansiad llyfr newydd swyddog cyfryngau Carrie Dunn, 'Woman Up: Pitches, Pay and Periods - The Progress and Potential of Women's Football'. Carrie's most recent book, 'Unsuitable for Females: The Rise of the Lionesses and Women's Football in England', was shortlisted for 2023 Football Book of the Year. She has been handling all things press and publicity as a volunteer for Aberystwyth Town Women since summer 2022, and dedicated 'Woman Up' to the players - as well as including special shout-outs to Shauna Chambers, Kelly Thomas, Lucie Gwilt, Ffiona Evans and new skipper Amy Jenkins. "Working with these women is a delight," said Carrie, "and although I've worked in women's football for many years now, they're always giving me new things to think about, some of which I've been able to write about in 'Woman Up'." Books will be on sale at Park Avenue from 12 noon until kick-off on Sunday, courtesy of Waterstone's Aberystwyth. More about Woman Up: The women’s game has been in the spotlight like never before, enjoying unprecedented media attention. But this is the result of decades of struggle to get women’s football – banned by the English FA for fifty years – on a more equal footing to its male counterpart. And while the current professional players are starting to reap the rewards of their success on the pitch, their personal journeys have often involved fighting against the odds, and they are still at a disadvantage in many areas, including access to medical treatment, playing facilities and salaries. So that a new generation of girls getting involved in football all over the world don't face the same obstacles as their predecessors, football journalist Carrie Dunn shines a light on the evolution of women’s football and the gender gaps that still persist – on issues such as injuries, sportswear, period taboos and diversity. Packed with practical advice and first-hand accounts from leading female players, Woman Up is an inspirational, informative and entertaining account of women’s football’s painful past and its exciting future. Roedd llyfr diweddaraf Carrie, 'Unsuitable for Females: The Rise of the Lionesses and Women's Football in England', ar restr fer Llyfr Pêl-droed y Flwyddyn 2023.
Mae hi wedi bod yn ymdrin â phopeth yn y wasg a chyhoeddusrwydd fel gwirfoddolwr i Ferched Tref Aberystwyth ers haf 2022, ac wedi ymroi yn ‘Woman Up’ i’r chwaraewyr – yn ogystal â chynnwys bloeddiadau arbennig i Shauna Chambers, Kelly Thomas, Lucie Gwilt, Ffiona Evans a'r gwibiwr newydd Amy Jenkins. “Mae gweithio gyda’r merched hyn yn bleser,” meddai Carrie, “ac er fy mod wedi gweithio ym mhêl-droed merched ers blynyddoedd bellach, maen nhw bob amser yn rhoi pethau newydd i mi feddwl amdanynt, ac rydw i wedi gallu ysgrifennu rhai ohonyn nhw. amdano yn 'Woman Up'." Bydd llyfrau ar werth yng Nghoedlan y Parc o hanner dydd tan y gic gyntaf ddydd Sul, trwy garedigrwydd Waterstone's Aberystwyth. Mwy am Woman Up: Mae gêm y merched wedi bod dan y chwyddwydr fel erioed o'r blaen, gan fwynhau sylw digynsail yn y cyfryngau. Ond mae hyn yn ganlyniad degawdau o frwydro i gael pêl-droed merched – wedi’i wahardd gan Gymdeithas Bêl-droed Lloegr am hanner can mlynedd – ar sail decach i’w gymar gwrywaidd. Ac er bod y chwaraewyr proffesiynol presennol yn dechrau elwa ar eu llwyddiant ar y cae, mae eu teithiau personol yn aml wedi cynnwys brwydro yn erbyn pob tebyg, ac maent yn dal i fod dan anfantais mewn sawl maes, gan gynnwys mynediad i driniaeth feddygol, cyfleusterau chwarae a cyflogau. Fel na fydd cenhedlaeth newydd o ferched sy'n ymwneud â phêl-droed ledled y byd yn wynebu'r un rhwystrau â'u rhagflaenwyr, mae'r newyddiadurwr pêl-droed Carrie Dunn yn taflu goleuni ar esblygiad pêl-droed merched a'r bylchau rhwng y rhywiau sy'n parhau - ar faterion fel fel anafiadau, dillad chwaraeon, tabŵs misglwyf ac amrywiaeth. Yn llawn cyngor ymarferol a hanesion uniongyrchol gan chwaraewyr benywaidd blaenllaw, mae Woman Up yn gofnod ysbrydoledig, addysgiadol a difyr o orffennol poenus pêl-droed merched a’i ddyfodol cyffrous. Comments are closed.
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